Considering that the platform is being designed not only for decision makers and scientists, but also for agricultural producers and farmers across the country, it is important that it is simple, easy to use, and operates on low internet bandwidth and mobile phones, the participants noted.
More infoAn important issue is making the platform sustainable and viable, so that it continues running after the project is completed.
More infoA consultative seminar on the development of Central Asian Climate Information Platform (CACIP) was held on June 14 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
More infoThe representatives of the ministries of agriculture, water resources, forestry committee, hydromet and other agricultural agencies of Uzbekistan discussed the development of climate information platform in Tashkent on 11 June 2019.
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With more than 3 billion people affected, land degradation is one of the world’s biggest environmental problems. In Uzbekistan, where agriculture is an important source of income for rural population, land degradation poses substantial threats for sustainable development, causing declines in crop yields and livestock productivity.
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