Dushanbe, September 27, 2019. The joint workshop was held on 27th of September 2019 in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) to conduct the regional consultation for Central Asian Climate Information Platform (CACIP) as well as to launch the study on assessment of Costs of Environmental Degradation (CoED) in Tajikistan. The event was jointly hosted by the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS) and the State Committee on Environmental Protection (CEP) of Tajikistan.
The Regional consultation hosted about 70 representatives of hydrometeorological services, academies of agricultural sciences, ministries of state of emergency, agriculture, health and social protection, economy and finance, water resource management, energy, agricultural universities, committees of ecology and environmental protection, associations of farmers, research institutes, non-governmental organizations from five Central Asian countries and partners organizations like CAREC, ICARDA and iMMAP.
Mr. Jan-Peters Olters the Country Manager for Tajikistan and Turkmenistan welcomed the participants on behalf of the World Bank and stated the role of CAMP4ASB and CACIP strengthening the regional cooperation in terms of coping with climate change.
Dr. Tanzila Ergasheva a Scientific Secretary at the Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS) said: “…the CACIP Platform will help its users to find relevant information and data on climate change matters, increase their awareness, and take necessary adaptation and mitigation measures”.
The proceedings of the Regional Consultation and more about CACIP project can be found in the repositories of MELSpace from below link:
As well as Twitter page of Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) @MEL_CGIAR